Charlie Smith Joins the Toyota and Lexus Press Office
*Not for publication*
Charlie Smith has joined the Toyota and Lexus press office on a one-year student placement, replacing Ryan Luscombe who is returning to Exeter University to complete his management with marketing degree studies.
Charlie, 20, is starting the third year of his marketing degree at Newcastle University. He will be part of the press relations team for the coming year in a professional placement that forms part of his degree course. He will be taking on a wide range of duties across all our Toyota and Lexus activities, including events, launches, media reporting and analysis and the handling of general enquiries via phone and email.
Born in Leicester and with his family home in Milton Keynes, Charlie professes a deep interest in all things automotive, in particular the development of new and alternative technologies. He’s also an avid football player and fan (lifelong Manchester City), and three years ago he raised the funds to spend two weeks coaching children in Accra, Ghana.
The press office welcomes Charlie while thanking Ryan for his excellent work and wishing him every success in the future, both in his professional studies and his performance as a karting star.