14 September 2004

Toyota Pick-Up Up And Away

Relief agencies and charities working in some of the world’s most inhospitable locations are dependent on tough and reliable transport to reach the people they are helping, but problems can arise and vital time can be lost when it comes to delivering vehicles to those who need them.

5 November 2001

New Look, New Engines For Toyota Hilux

Hilux has long been one of the strongest symbols of Toyota’s unparalleled reliability and durability image, successfully conquering the world’s toughest terrains – from Africa to Middle East deserts and from Australian Outback to American plains.

Toyota Hilux Pickups

If you removed all the Toyota Hilux pick-ups from the UK’s roads would the economy grind to a halt? Quite possibly. Small and large businesses alike have come to depend on the rugged and durable Toyota Hilux pick-up since it was first introduced into the UK market in the early 1970s.

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