Toyota Sets The Wheels In Motion For Aspire
A team of Toyota employees put their skills to the test in a wheelchair race fundraiser for the charity Aspire in their Wheelathon 2000 to help raise £5000. The event involved teams racing wheelchairs around the Roger Bannister Sports Centre in Middlesex in gruelling one-hour sessions.
Successful Paralympic athlete, John Harris, attended the event to offer support and encouragement to both disabled and able-bodied teams. John is a keen supporter of the charity’s work in research, rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
Aspire encourages recently injured people to maximise their potential, likewise Toyota’s Motability Scheme provides the opportunity for disabled people to lead fulfilled and independent lifestyles.
Toyota’s Motability Manager, Neal Standen, commented, “Toyota are proud to be associated with Aspire and we felt that our participation in this event demonstrated Toyota’s commitment to providing disabled people with reliable, lifestyle enhancing transport.”
Toyota recognises that access to transport can dramatically change people’s lives. Through the Toyota Dealer Motability Specialists, Motability customers can receive advice about vehicle suitability and adaptations.
ASPIRE fundraiser Lynsey Coles was delighted with the outcome of the event and is confident that the charity will easily surpass the fundraising target that they set.
ASPIRE works with people with spinal cord injuries to create opportunity, choice and independence. Its commitment to full integration between disabled and able-bodied members of society in every aspect of life is unparalleled.