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14 January 2005

Budgens Shops For Toyota Prius

Staff at supermarket chain Budgens have been shopping around for greener company cars – and are finding that the European Car of the Year, the Toyota Prius petrol-electric suits them even better than they might at first have thought.

23 December 2004

Prius Sets Land Speed Record For Hybrids

The lean, green Toyota Prius has swapped Sunset Boulevard and the Hollywood Hills for the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah to set a new world land speed record for hybrid powered cars. The record setting car will be displayed at the Detroit Motor Show in early January 2005.

9 December 2004

Toyota Prius Begins Term At University

The University of Derby is giving its employees the chance to get behind the wheel of a Toyota Prius – European Car of the Year for 2005 – and so far their response has been extremely favourable.

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