Fleet Press Releases on Toyota Media Site


6 October 1999

Toyota’s ‘Invisible’ Fleet Sales Reappear

If Toyota GB’s company car sales appear to have plummeted this year, analysts should not leap to any premature conclusions. The apparently dramatic about-turn is simply the result of an incorrect computer setting which has

29 July 1999

Leapfrog Hops to Take Picnics on Board

Toyota Picnic seven-seaters have been chosen by new venture company Leapfrog Day Nurseries to provide safe and spacious transport for the youngsters in its care.

22 July 1999

Toyota Hilux to the Rescue

Transporting Search & Rescue teams to inaccessible parts of the coastline calls for vehicles that are as tough as they are reliable – which is why the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) has turned to Toyota Hilux 4WD Double Cabs to do the job.

28 June 1999

Toyota Cares for Social Workers

A leading independent fostering agency is switching its fast-growing car fleet to Toyota – and its social workers have been surprised to find that the manufacturer’s new-generation petrol engines are as economical on fuel as their previous diesel-powered cars.

22 June 1999

Toyotas Get the Blue Light in Derbyshire

Derbyshire Police has boosted its fleet of Toyota RAV4 response vehicles used for rural duties in the Peak District – and on the strength of its positive experiences with Toyota, it is now evaluating Land Cruiser for motorway patrol work and Corolla as a general response vehicle.

8 June 1999

Toyota Changes Direction

Reduced running costs and a positive reaction from drivers have been the results of a recent switch to Toyota within the car fleet of Direction International.

3 June 1999

They Think It’s Toyota Fleet… It Is Now!

Thirty-three years on from Sir Geoff Hurst’s moment of World Cup triumph, who would miss the chance to meet the legendary footballer in person and quiz him about those celebrated goals?

21 May 1999

Sussex Police Put Toyotas on the Beat

Twenty-two Toyota Avensis 1.6S four-door saloons have been recruited by Sussex Police for duty as beat cars. They join a fleet of 720 vehicles, until now mostly Peugeots…

26 March 1999

Datalect Extend Loyalty to Trusty Toyota

The previous agreement with Datalect, one of the first companies in the UK to be supplied by Toyota Fleet, has now been extended to provide both the popular Avensis and Camry models.

15 March 1999

Scottish Motor Trader Wins a New Toyota

Scottish independent motor traders James Conn have proved the worth of purchasing genuine Toyota parts from their local Toyota dealer by winning a new car in a prize draw run by Toyota (GB) Ltd.

27 January 1999

Hilux Meets Demands of the Environment Agency

Toyota has secured a solus deal with The Environment Agency to supply both the 4×4 Single and Double Cab versions of its popular Hilux. The Environment Agency is widely recognised as the strongest environmental protection agency in Europe.

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