9 July 2001

Meteoric Ashfield Takes On 500th Toyota

Ashfield Healthcare, the second largest and the fastest-growing provider of contract sales teams to the UK pharmaceuticals industry, has taken delivery of its 500th Toyota car in under two years.

Simon Weston Drives Toyota Previa

Accessible, very easy to drive and safe…this is the message from Falklands war veteran Simon Weston, who is one of the first people to test drive the new diesel-powered Previa MPV before it officially goes on the Toyota Motability scheme on 1st July, 2001.

4 June 2001

“Bam Bam’s Got A Brand New Vroom Vroom!”

Kiss 100’s Bam Bam Breakfast, the top radio breakfast show for young London boasting over one million listeners every week, takes on a Limited Edition Toyota Land Cruiser as the official ‘Kiss Cruiser’ for its popular morning show.

New D-4D Engine For Previa

Setting fresh standards in the large MPV segment when launched last summer, the Toyota Previa is now available with a 114bhp 2.0-litre D-4D diesel engine that combines optimum performance with low fuel consumption and low emissions.

Thanks A Million Toyota!

To celebrate a major production milestone achievement, Derbyshire based car manufacturer, Toyota Manufacturing UK today pledged to give its one millionth car to leading medical research charity the Arthritis Research Campaign.

21 March 2001

KLM Flies High With Toyota Fleet

The 50th Toyota car has been delivered to KLM UK Limited, under a solus agreement which saw the Dutch national airline subsidiary start switching its mixed fleet of 170 cars to Toyota last summer.

Toyota Hilux Pickups

If you removed all the Toyota Hilux pick-ups from the UK’s roads would the economy grind to a halt? Quite possibly. Small and large businesses alike have come to depend on the rugged and durable Toyota Hilux pick-up since it was first introduced into the UK market in the early 1970s.

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