Toyota Media Site: Latest Press Releases

Latest Press Releases

1 January 2005

European Environmental & Social Report 2005

This report covers initiatives and activities handled by TMC subsidiairies in Europe and the progress of Toyota’s consolidated environmental management in Europe.

1 January 2005

European Safety Brochure 2005

Toyota’s Safety Brochure for 2005.

1 January 2005

Toyota Annual Report 2005

Toyota Motor Corporations annual report, outlining Toyota´s global financial peformance and operations.

23 December 2004

Prius Sets Land Speed Record For Hybrids

The lean, green Toyota Prius has swapped Sunset Boulevard and the Hollywood Hills for the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah to set a new world land speed record for hybrid powered cars. The record setting car will be displayed at the Detroit Motor Show in early January 2005.

16 December 2004

Launching 2005 In Style: The Toyota Corolla Colour Collection

Toyota ushers in 2005 with new special edition Corolla models that deliver great style and value.

15 December 2004

RAV4 Negotiates the London Property Landscape

Smart silver RAV4s bearing blue Chard logos are becoming a familiar sight in west London, as the fast-expanding estate agency switches its teams of negotiators to the Toyota 4x4s.

9 December 2004

Toyota Prius Begins Term At University

The University of Derby is giving its employees the chance to get behind the wheel of a Toyota Prius – European Car of the Year for 2005 – and so far their response has been extremely favourable.

8 December 2004

Avensis Wins FN50 Most Reliable Model Survey

The Toyota Avensis has been named the most reliable car by Britain’s fleet operators.

3 December 2004

Toyota Satnav Clinches It For Nurses

Satellite navigation as standard on the Toyota Avensis has proved a prime attraction for a fast-expanding medical consultancy service, which has recently taken on 15 of the cars and has 15 more on order.

1 December 2004

PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota

PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) today announce that their three-year joint project to design, develop and produce three all-new small passenger cars for the European market is close to fruition.

30 November 2004

Toyota Prius Achieves Quarter-Million Worldwide Sales

Toyota’s revolutionary Prius has passed the landmark of a quarter of a million sales, confirming its position as the world’s most successful hybrid power vehicle.

25 November 2004

June Over Moon As The Yorkshire Takes On First Prius

A Toyota Prius, the recently voted 2005 European Car of The Year, has joined the 230-strong user-chooser fleet of Britain’s third biggest building society, the Yorkshire – and its driver says she is ‘delighted’ by the move.

19 November 2004

Britannia Opts for British Built Toyotas

Britannia, the UK’s second-largest building society, has cited British build as one reason for its decision to switch its car fleet to Toyota.

15 November 2004

Toyota Prius Wins 2005 European Car Of The Year

The Toyota Prius has been voted 2005 Car of the Year by the 58 members of the European Car of the Year Jury. After two rounds of voting, the car was chosen from a list of seven finalists and declared clear winner after gathering 406 points.

15 November 2004

New Top Model For Funky RAV4 Range

A new top of the range model has been added to Toyota’s funky RAV4 line up with the introduction of the luxury equipped five-door XT5 on sale from 1 December 2004.

12 November 2004

It’s Unanimous – Construction Managers Vote Avensis

When a Tyneside building contractor and developer offered five of its managers their choice of company car, they all came up with the same answer – Toyota Avensis. As a result, Toyota has become the company’s brand of choice.

28 October 2004

Kee Process Engineers Glad To Be Back With Toyotas

Wastewater treatment service engineers working for KEE Services are driving upgraded Toyota Hiaces – just over a year after the company replaced its original Hiace fleet with another make of van.

22 October 2004

Finance Specialist Gets Greener With Toyota Prius

The UK’s leading provider of home credit has enhanced its green credentials with the addition of the first three Toyota Prius petrol-electric hybrid cars to its 700-vehicle fleet.

8 October 2004

ILPH Toyotas Go On Horse Patrol

A drive for greater value for money has led the world’s leading equine welfare charity to switch much of its vehicle fleet to Toyota.

14 September 2004

Toyota Pick-Up Up And Away

Relief agencies and charities working in some of the world’s most inhospitable locations are dependent on tough and reliable transport to reach the people they are helping, but problems can arise and vital time can be lost when it comes to delivering vehicles to those who need them.

14 September 2004

Total Blends Toyota Into Its Mix

The Toyota badge has joined a restricted manufacturer base for the 1200-strong fleet of leading oil company TOTAL UK.

2 September 2004

Toyota Avensis Bound For LA

One of Europe’s largest single-site recruitment companies has switched its UK sales fleet from Ford to Toyota, with an initial order for 10 Avensis hatchbacks.

26 August 2004

Toyota Prepares Paris Premieres

Toyota will be looking to the future with two key concepts providing the focus for its presentation at the Paris Motor Show from 23 September.

24 August 2004

Toyota Invests Almost €18 Million in France Yaris Plant

Toyota today announced it will invest an additional €17.8 million in its Yaris production plant in Valenciennes, France, in order to better respond to European parts demand.

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