20 January 2012

Toyota iQ: Customised Clever Cars

The Toyota iQ has always been one of the most distinctive cars on the street, given the fact its clever design delivers the world’s first four-seater in a body less than three metres long. Now iQ’s individuality is even greater with the introduction of colourful body and roof decals and a choice of vibrant leather upholstery options.

26 September 2011

DOCTORnow Prescribes Toyota iQ

Three Toyota iQ3compact hatchbacks, boldly emblazoned with the red DOCTORnow logo, are becoming a familiar sight in Beaconsfield and surrounding areas.

21 October 2010

Clever Move for Londoners

Toyota’s revolutionary city car, the iQ, will be exempt from the central London congestion charge from 4 January 2011, presenting a potential saving total of more than £2,500 per annum.

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