31 January 2011

Sixty Years of the Toyota Land Cruiser

The Toyota Land Cruiser clocks up 60 years this year, stronger and better than ever. Far from aging gracefully, the legendary 4×4 remains one of the toughest machines on four wheels: it’s conquered the Arctic (and Antarctic) wastes, traversed deserts, ploughed its way through tropical rain forests and generally taken the worst the world can throw at it in its stride.

26 January 2011

Avensis BTCC Racer Undergoes Wind Tunnel Trials

The BTCC’s Toyota Avensis-based ‘Next Generation Touring Car’ has moved a step closer to its competition debut following extensive wind tunnel testing at the UK’s leading aerodynamic analysis facility, MIRA.

17 January 2011

Go Now!

When the going gets tough, AYGO Go! will make life behind the wheel that bit calmer thanks to a bundle of multi-media features to keep motorists on course, in touch and in tune.

22 December 2010

Toyota Land Cruiser Sales Snowball

Whether it’s due to the weather, or simply customers wishing to own one of the most robust 4×4 vehicles on the road, sales of both Land Cruiser and Land Cruiser V8 are up 77 per cent and 120 per cent respectively over the same period from last year.

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