24 October 2007

Lisa Hails Carmic Cars To The Stars

TV personality Lisa Rogers reckons that the new private car service Carmic Cars offers the cleanest, greenest way of getting round London in 2007 by using only low-emission Toyota Prius Cars.

9 October 2007

From Corona To Prius: Toyota Quality Spans The Decades

A car in which seatbelts are a luxury option, the turn of a key is the only protection against thieves and anti-pollution measures are non-existent, wouldn’t even make the drawing board today, but it was with just such a model that Toyota made its UK market debut.

29 August 2007

Toyota’s World Of Easy Listening

No more earpieces, no more fiddling with the clickwheel as you drive, no more fumbling on the floor to search for your wayward player: Toyota has come up with a perfect integration system that links Apple’s iPod directly to your car’s audio system.

Verso Revitalised

A nip and tuck have given the Toyota Verso compact MPV a fresh look this summer, with the introduction of a bolder front bumper and new front grille that link the model more closely to the family styling of the Yaris and Auris models.

27 June 2007

Fire Brigade Rings Changes With Toyota

More than 50 fire service staff have switched from being user-choosers to driving a range of Toyota Avensis diesel cars – and the transition has been a smooth one, says Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service’s Fleet Manager John Millett.

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